Post 8 : A Subject you enjoyed this semester

Hello readers, today I will write about my favorite bouquet this semester and why it is, I hope you enjoy it!

My favorite branch this semester has been ecosystem structure and functioning. Why? Because I have always been interested in how ecosystems work, how different species interact in the pursuit of good functioning, how all processes, however small, influence their equilibrium. I feel that if you apply all this knowledge your understanding of life is more sufficient, you know how your natural environment interacts and that fills you spiritually.

We had an exit to land which consisted of going to Cerqui Poqui which was in DoƱihue, where we had to make different measurements for a subsequent report that we must deliver next week. Personally I liked the development that we have had in this one, since as you quantify the data obtained you can perform, based on the knowledge that gives you the branch, significant conclusions of how the ecosystem works in different aspects, which I find Really interesting and gives me an image of what I could get to do if I finish this career.

That has been everything, I hope they are well, see you soon!


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