Post 10 : Blogging Experience

Well, here we are, we reached the end of the semester, so this would be mi very last post, I will make some kind of review of my experience with this method. First of all, I want to say that I really loved it, especially when I talked about my personal interests.
I think that my writing skills are improved, so as my reading skills. When I first started blogging, I was really an amateur in this language, I knew some words and their meaning, but not very much. But now, as the weeks were passing by, I started noticing that my understanding on the matter was getting better, and so it began to be a lot easier. Of course, I'm not professional now, however, I feel that I am much better than before.
As I see it, this method is almost complete, so I wouldn't add anything to it. Because I talked about my interests, hobbies and aspirations, plus things related to Forest Engineering.

To conclude, I think that this method was great, and I really enjoyed being a "blogger", at least for a semester. So this is goodbye, thanks for reading my blog! see ya'


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