
Showing posts from June, 2017

Post 10 : Blogging Experience

Well, here we are, we reached the end of the semester, so this would be mi very last post, I will make some kind of review of my experience with this method. First of all, I want to say that I really loved it, especially when I talked about my personal interests. I think that my writing skills are improved, so as my reading skills. When I first started blogging, I was really an amateur in this language, I knew some words and their meaning, but not very much. But now, as the weeks were passing by, I started noticing that my understanding on the matter was getting better, and so it began to be a lot easier. Of course, I'm not professional now, however, I feel that I am much better than before. As I see it, this method is almost complete, so I wouldn't add anything to it. Because I talked about my interests, hobbies and aspirations, plus things related to Forest Engineering. To conclude, I think that this method was great, and I really enjoyed being a "blogger", ...

Post 8 : A Subject you enjoyed this semester

Hello readers, today I will write about my favorite bouquet this semester and why it is, I hope you enjoy it! My favorite branch this semester has been ecosystem structure and functioning. Why? Because I have always been interested in how ecosystems work, how different species interact in the pursuit of good functioning, how all processes, however small, influence their equilibrium. I feel that if you apply all this knowledge your understanding of life is more sufficient, you know how your natural environment interacts and that fills you spiritually. We had an exit to land which consisted of going to Cerqui Poqui which was in DoƱihue, where we had to make different measurements for a subsequent report that we must deliver next week. Personally I liked the development that we have had in this one, since as you quantify the data obtained you can perform, based on the knowledge that gives you the branch, significant conclusions of how the ecosystem works in different aspects, which I ...


Hello readers !, today I written about my vacations in the south of Chile. The last year I went to souht, my favorite place for vacations, because I love the nature, biodiversity, the forest, in short, everything related to nature. I triped with my friends, we went backpacking during for two weeks, where visited the Saltos del Laja, Temuco, Villarrica, Puerto Varas and Chiloe, where I met peolple very nice and beutiful places. Also, during the trip in backpacking, we had to go for hours and hours on the road, sometimes we spent until full days in the hope that someone would take us, others spent cold at night or the camps were not very appropriate, but these were the implications to visit all those incredible places. My favorite place was a camp in the Saltos del Laja, because, it was very cute, with many trees and waterfalls, jumps, were breathtaking and beautiful, and the camp was very comfortable. We also found very nice people with whom we shared all one night and had a great ti...